The Love story of silk and shibori

The Love story of silk and shibori

As every story has a different origin, this story is about connecting cultures through art and art lovers.


On the one side, the tale of love for prints written in Japan, shibori! It is a Japanese manual resist dyeing technique used to make desired patterns on fabric that spread unevenly. The essence of shibori is this harmony between the type of fabric, the color choice, and the artistic vision of the creator.

And the other is filled with the waves of sunshine, a royal look of the opulent fabric in bright and vibrant colors, Silk is the queen of fibers!

The silk fibers are crafted in a triangular prism-like structure which allows the cloth to refract from incoming light at different angles, hence it has a radiating effect.

The beautiful nature of both shibori and silk, when teamed up creates magic!

Shibori’s nature of blending and silk’s nature of holding makes their relationship eternal. The secret of breathtaking designs lies in shaping and binding techniques of tie-dye. The shibori patterns are soft, subtle, and full of expressions with an element of surprise.


Art finds its way to connect cultures. Swati Vijaivargie’s love for prints and opulent silk is endless. Our latest collection Ombre Shibori is all about nurturing the shibori patterns over silk fabric. It gives a feeling of newness every time we open a new fabric dyed in beautiful colors with our signature patterns.